A system for flat-foldable pattern design based on the Voronoi diagram



It is known that the crease patterns of origami tessellations based on twist folds are generated by applying a simple geometrical operation, shrink and rotate, to the tiling patterns with polygons which have a geometric property of Maxwell's reciprocal figure. We propose an interactive system for designing the origami tessellations with symmetry by using voronoi diagrams. The system provide an interface for assigning valid and symmetrical mountain and valley flags to foldings.


  • 三谷純, "タイリング折紙 ― ボロノイタイルからの派生と組み合わせ可能な曲線折りユニット ―", 日本図学会 2014年度 秋季大会, 東京, 2013/11/29-30. (PDF)
  • 三谷純, "ボロノイ図に基づく平坦折り可能な折り線図の設計支援システム", 日本機械学会 第23回 設計工学・システム部門講演会, 沖縄, 2013/10/23-25. (PDF)
  • 6つの風車の展開図 (Crease pattern of the six windmills)